Rockabilly, pin-up, psychobilly, greasers, dapper dans – we’ve all heard of these names. For most, it’s a lifestyle and to others it is a hobby. Dressing up like you walked straight out of the 1950’s. Rockabilly is one of the earliest styles of rock and roll music, dating to the early 1950s in the United States. As a genre it blends the sound of American folk and Western musical styles, such as country and bluegrass, with that of rhythm and blues, leading to what is considered “classic” rock and roll. Some have also described it as a blend of the bluegrass style with rock and roll. The term “Rockabilly” itself is a portmanteau of “rock” (from “rock ‘n’ roll”) and “hillbilly”, the latter a reference to the country music (often called “hillbilly music” in the 1940s and 1950s) that contributed strongly to the style’s development. Other important influences on rockabilly include western swing and boogie woogie. Today it is a way of life for most and a way to get dolled up and hit the town.

Many of us rockabillies dress this way every day of our lives, and others dress for an event, party or a vintage car show. Looking “The Part” is just as important. So there is a brief history lesson in how this culture got started.

Sure you found that perfect rockabilly outfit for your themed party or you’re getting ready for the annual vintage car show, but what about your hairstyle? One can go many routes when deciding the perfect “Hairdo” to go with your outfit. The first question one must ask; that is if this isn’t your everyday look, are you going for a traditional pin-up look or do you want to be outrageous and go for a wild Rockabilly look? For ones who are new to this culture, if your dressing more vintage/classic then you will want a traditional pin-up look i.e.: curls, finger waves, victory rolls etc…

If you’re going a bit wilder look you will want bright colors to add depth to your victory rolls. Victory rolls can be worn in a variation of hairstyles, one classic way is to have to barrel rolls at the top of your head with beautiful perfect curls that fall around the rest of your head.

Now add bright vivid colors to your hair and your victory rolls become elaborate swirls of color. You can mix up the victory roll by altering the placement of the rolls are on your head.
Classic curls are always a safe way to go if you’re not used to the rolls. Big curls can be brushed to give you a very elegant classic look. Finger waves are beautiful and classic but can be a bit trickier for the armature pin-up. Best way to know what you are looking for would be to go on a Web search and type in pin-up images to decide which one you would like to try. After you have found the one that catches your eye, save the image and show your hair stylist. With the right hairstyle you will be the hit of your party or could even win best pin-up at the car show.
I mentioned earlier, greasers and dapper dans, these are what men are called in this culture. Greasers are your car guys and wear a sleek pompadour that looks well-greased. Dapper dans are the guys who dress in slacks and dress shirts love cars but go more for the sophisticated look they usually wear a gentleman’s cut. Men need the right precise cut to pull off either of these looks. A pompadour is a fade up the scalp, with the hair on the crown of the head longer this helps them achieve the pomp. Psychobilly guys go for the extreme pomp extending no less than 6 inches of the head! Wow, 6 inches!!! A gentleman’s cut is a very neat and tight cut that has a really heavy pay with a low pomp in the front. Rockabilly guys and gals require a bit more attention to detail when it comes to their hairstyles and need a knowledgeable hair stylist who knows this culture well. Ask your local Albuquerque hair salon today about getting your rockabilly style started, because your hair says it all.
Written by: Carly Bel-Air
Edited by: Rodrigo J. Ramirez